Monday, March 30, 2009

Double vaccine and a good camera

Finally, I have a camera that works as it should. The third Ixus 870 delivers. I'm very happy about this, but it also means, that I'll be returning the Nikon D40 that would have taken it's place, to the store. :/
I'm not sure if it would have given me much better images quality wise, or if it's just a new gizmo, and that's why I would like to have it anyway.

Today, Klara got her third round of shots, and it being a double vaccine, she got one in each leg. It's not fun at all when she knows from experience, that something is going to hurt, and you still have to do it to her. But she was very brave and didn't cry for long. She measured in at 8850g and 78cm. :)
Later she got a fever from the shots, and slept for quite a while this afternoon, and went to bed with no fuss just after seven o'clock.

I hope tomorrow morning she'll be better, and wake me just like today. The Mrs. brings her in, puts her next to me and Klara just lays there, says "papa" while looking at me, and gently pats me on my cheek. Waking up to that is the best thing ever.
Last day at work for 6 months! OMG!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Our crazy neighbours

There's a war going on.
A war that lays a smoke curtain over the houses. The two clans gather points almost every day by turning on the charcoal barbecues. Sausages give only half a point.

The sad part part is that they take children as prisoners, and make them work in their camp. It may look like Klara is enjoying the sun, but she's trying to escape.

She has only two teeth left, trying to chew her way out, rounding off the top of the fence she's pointing at.

Here you can see the labour party feast like there's no tomorrow.
They really are great neighbours, but starting up the barbecues when it's only +5C outside is just plain crazy. :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Not so tough cookie

At 5:30 this morning she wanted breakfast, and then didn't really want to go back to sleep. Two hours of what felt like coma followed, Klara switching back and forth between lying down pretending to sleep and singing lalalala and being happy about it.

Eventually I got the windows done. Our parents came over and we had a great time all seven of us. Klara bounced like a pinball between the grandparents, and we rounded things off by showing them how she can walk outdoors with her walking-car on her own.
The only problem was, that the parent (me) that should have had total focus on the kid (Klara) didn't, so after walking on 3m of concrete and 5m of grass, she fell to the side like a tree and managed to land her head on the concrete sidewalk. Luckily the blow was cushioned by her cap. Actually the fall wasn't that bad, but her worst so far and it was horrible how lousy we felt. We can't be there all the time, but how do you let go the correct amount?

Tonight we are nostalgic about the things that happened a year ago. Right now we had been at the hospital for two hours... :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring cleaning

Today I got an awakening by Klara around 8 o'clock, with perhaps 10 kisses. There are worse ways to begin the day, really. :)
Then the Mrs. had a major spring cleaning of the house, and it turned out really wonderful. In the meanwhile I was away on an annual meeting at the gymn. All that remains, and what I have to do tomorrow, is clean the windows. Our parents are coming to celebrate Klara's birthday, she turns one on Monday!

In the afternoon our neighbours came over, and brought take-away Thai dinner. We always have much fun with them, and Klara seems to be especially fond of the smallest one.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Two great things with kids

No clue at all what a family photo is supposed to be like.

Quite happy that we collect stuff in drawers for them to throw around.

Monday, March 09, 2009

5 minutes of noseblood

On Friday we tested the infamous 5min method, which is a way of making your kid fall asleep on its own. In short, you put it to bed and leave the room. No matter what, you must not enter until 5 minutes has passed.
The problem is, that our kid thought we were going to abandon her. 5 min is almost forever for her in a semi-dark room. The comfort of us always responding to a real cry was yanked away from her. Needless to say, we gave it less than one try, as we were both on the verge of crying.
We don't have that big problems with putting her to bed, it rarely takes more than 5 min anyway. Are we too soft parents perhaps?

Then tonight, it was payback time. She poked me in (yes, in) the nose so my nose started bleeding. A new experience, I think for both of us.

In three weeks, I will be staying at home with Klara for almost 6 months, my paternity leave. Wonder what it will be like. Probably lots of fun, but also quite strange not going to work every day.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

A night at the Roxbury

Haven't been out partying for a while, now it was time for a trip into the night.
My good friend Henrik thought Tequila was a nice choice for the occasion, and he sure was correct. We went to (IMO) the best place in Malmö, Skeppsbron, where we met some old and some new friends. The music was good, the people fun, and the heating outside made it feel like Ibiza, bwahahah not really, but... I can't remember when I shivered as much as this morning.
We had a really, really good time, I was at home around 06:15 and am not quite myself yet, I hope Henrik is alive today... ;D