Thursday, April 30, 2009

The gate is up

and the right end of the fence is done, with stones to keep the soil in place and all.
The entrance is also done, just have to adjust it a few centimeters (yes, stupid, but it's annoying). Only the left end isn't up yet, and some minor adjustments need to be done.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rise and shine!

My legs are numb, I just want to sleep for another two hours. Fortunately Klara knows how to wake me up. A nice kick in the balls always makes me alert, so now I'm up... :D

Sunday, April 26, 2009

After another looong day

Things are getting closer to a final state. The crooked piece from yesterday is fixed too. Still have two small ends on the fence, one by the wall to the left, and one by the higher dividing fence, and the gate isn't finished either. Think I'll wait until Thursday with those pieces. I'm totally exhausted, have to strech all muscles in my body, I think.

In the meanwhile, Klara keeps us entertained. Only a kid can poke herself in the nose (or rather just be amused by the fact she found a new place to put her finger in her face), laugh out loud, and pick the nose again. The three pictures are in chronological order...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Crazy slow progress

This right here, took me over six hours. If you look carefully, you'll see, that the middle section is not aligned. So I fixed it just now, by changing the section, because it wasn't stragiht. The fun part is, that it still isn't. So all I can think of now, is that the holders are not equally far down in the ground, though it looks that way.
Tomorrow we'll see...

Oh yeah, the front is the easy part. The left side will be a real bitch. :/

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What took so much time today?

Hard to say just looking at the picture. Didn't think that elevating the flower bed would use up that much soil. Have poured in more than 7,5 bags (50L each) of soil (bought 5 bags at noon), and we're still not even with the lawn. So I got five more bags, but those will have to wait (the white blocks at the right side of the deck).
It has been great to have my parents so close by, they have taken care of Klara for almost two days now. Also, Klara's other grandmom helped out, though she lives a lot further away.

By Sunday I'm hoping to have the fence up there.

Monday, April 20, 2009

This is no vacation

Spending saturday with shopping for the garden, gives that it also needs to be fixed. So today I began, moving all the small bushes at the edge of the lawn to the edge of our garden.

After figuring out how to do it, went along just fine.

Now "all" that's left, is to elevate the soil to the same level as the lawn, and to put up the fence... 8)

Friday, April 17, 2009

My girl

Two weeks in the "program", getting used to staying at home with Klara, but really need to prioritise going to the gymn more often. This week Tuesday is all I managed up until now. Summer is almost here, so getting beefed up needs some work. :P
She is just as much fun, as she is a pain in the butt from time to time, but the good times make it all worth it. :)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Easter is coming

Klara tries to hide the fact that she likes it.

I got myself a Nikon D40. It was actually meant as a replacement for the Ixus, should the third one have been faulty too. It wasn't. It isn't. Still, I could not return the D40, and decided to keep it after having it in the box for three weeks. It was like waiting for Christmas. :P
Needless to say, I'm completely in love with it, and the pictures it delivers are crazy good. And the Ixus was good, but the D40 is off the chart. For 3000SEK it was a bargain, and pictures from now on will mostly be from this baby.

Btw, if anyone needs a good recipe for pancakes, here's the winner. ;)
(The recipe is from an old Hungarian cookbook, Horváth Ilona szakácskönyv.)

  • 20 dkg of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 5dl milk
  • 0,5dl oil
  • Pinch of salt
Mix all of this in a bowl, but use only 3dl of milk, let it get all cozy in the fridge for a couple of hours. When it's time to fire up the pans, mix in about 1dl of the remaining milk, and check if the texture is good enough (just try one portion in a pan, if it doesn't flow around easily and evenly in the pan, then add more of the remaining milk and try again).
Use medium-high heat on your stove, and constantly adjust, around 15s per side should bake them nicely.
For the best result, use a pan that is thick, and preferably has a sharp edge around it. If the edge between the wall and the bottom is rounded, the pancakes won't have nice, even edges.

Friday, April 03, 2009

On track

Honey rum with cola


House music

Sunshine outside



Happy wife and kid

Life is good!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Food critic

Today I was going to make some good food, I thought. Sort of hamburger meat and mashed potato. The recipe looked tasty, and we like the home made mashed potato, so I got to it. Let me give you the recipe (found on the internet).

  • 500g minced meat
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of potato starch (what?!)
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 2 tablespoons of lingonberry jam*
  • Salt
  • Pepper
* If you don't know what lingonberry jam and drink tastes like, go to your nearest IKEA.

And now, forget the recipe. Forever. I mean it.
It tasted like moose piss. This was the worst recipe ever, from a moron that should be forced to eat this every day of his/her life.
Everyone that have ever made hamburgers or similar at home, knows that you use some kind of dried, baked breadcrumbs. Potato starch is for sauces. Contrary to what I shoud have done (adding bread) I went for the recipe, and I ended up with something that would make pudding feel solid like a brick. It did improve when fried, but not the taste.

The mashed potato then? Something went wrong there too, no treat there either.

So we ordered pizza. Portofino in Lund was a great place 6 years ago, with the most tasty and beautiful pizzas. Was is the correct word. It's been a long time since I had pizza this worthless. It didn't even have the decency to taste bad. It was just annoyingly tasteless.

Tomorrow I'm going to my hairdresser, and then I'm making pancakes. THAT I'm truly good at. :) Even got Nutella, an absolute must.

Anyway, at least I bought some beer today for the days to come, as it's going to be 15C this weekend, and relaxing in the garden may be nicer with a chilled drink. If only we could find the bolts and nuts for our garden furniture! :/