Saturday, May 02, 2009


The fence, the flower bed and entrance is done. I did actually move the four big stones at the entrance, 3cm almost, to make it more inline with the pavement outside. Unfortunately, I overdid it a little, but it still is an improvement over the previous status. So tomorrow, I can sit down and relax, and enjoy the view.

I rounded things up today by going to Malmö and buying a used bike, so I can take Klara with me around town more easily. =) Got it for a really good price, so I'm happy about that too.

The problem is, that I don't like starting things at home, big projects like this was, but when I'm done, I'm sort of wondering, ok, what do I do now? Well, perhaps not a problem really, since I do have a wife that has lots of good ideas... :P

PS. OMFG, I barely had time to post this, and she already has something for us to fix next Sunday.... thank you God.

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