Saturday, October 03, 2009


The drug that would save the world.
What you need is 400 mg Metamizole sodium, 60,0 mg caffeine, 40,0 mg drotaverine-hydrochloride in a small pill. What it does, is a pure miracle.
Take a migraine like mine today, me being on the verge of throwing up. One pill made me being able to act like a human after only 15 minutes, and 30 minutes later I was totally restored.

Thanks EU for putting this on prescription only, retards.
And thanks scientists for making up drugs like this.


panka said...

ez a magyar quarelin képe? vagy nálatok ugyanilyet árulnak?
tegnap én is ezt kapkodtam be...

Viking said...

A magyar... mondjuk mindehol ahol lehet kapni, ez a neve. Itt sajnos nem lehet kapni >(

Unknown said...

gyűjtsünk :)fogyóban? Nénikéd